2025 King Holiday Parade Application Name of Organization/BusinessContact PersonStreet AddressApartment, suite, etcCityState/ProvinceZIP / Postal CodeContact Phone NumberCell Phone NumberEmail Address *Please SELECT the appropriate category and indicate the total amount belowPARTICIPATION CATEGORY$75 - Walking Group$150 - Walking and Vehicle$100 - Vehicle (Single)$150 - Walking and Vehicle$75 - Motorcycle (Single)$275 - Mobile Units$225 - Float (Single)$200 - Truck$250 - Truck with TrailerAdditional Single VehiclesVehicle 2Vehicle 3Select QuantitySelect Quantity23CalculationsTotal Payment SubmittedImportantAll applicants MUST have a representative attend the mandatory orientation. During this time details of the parade lineup and vendor requirements will be discussed. ILA (1526) Union Hall, 440 NW 6th Street, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33311-Monday, January 8, 2024 at 6:30pm 2024 King Holiday parade is going to Joseph C. Carter Park. Line-up begins at 7:30 a.m. and the Parade begins at 9:30am on NW 5th Ave and Sistrunk. The parade heads West on Sistrunk Blvd to NW 15th Ave, then North to Joseph C. Carter Park. The Multicultural Festival is immediately after the parade.Consent *Yes, I agree to all conditions set forth. Applicants stipulate that the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Committee, Inc. and representatives have made no representation, promises or guarantees regarding paradepositions, media coverage or preferential treatment of any kind.Consent *Yes, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Fort Lauderdale, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Committee, Inc., its members, and agents against all liability or loss that participant and/or participant’s members, performers and/or volunteers may sustain or incur as a result of claims demands, cost or judgment arising from participants’ involvement in the 2024 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade, Festival, Battle of the Bands, and any other 2024 MLK celebratory events. Print NameSignatureStart signing your signature hereYour browser does not support e-Signature field.Submit